Honest Review of Isagenix: Two Years Later

This post is a little different–if this isn’t your jam, I totally get it. But since I LOVE these products and have reached my 2 year anniversary I wanted to share my experience and of course, share my “before and after” and consistency photos. It is all about finding what works for your lifestyle and then sticking to it–I am so grateful to have found products that work for me and hope that everyone feels the same way about whatever they have chosen for their lifestyle šŸ™‚

I was introduced to Isagenix TWO years ago and I have used the products consistently for the past year. Let me just say, I am pretty obsessed with the products! My favorite product and something I recommend to anyone wanting to try out Isagenix is their Isalean Shakes. These bad boys are packed with nutrients and are a complete meal replacement. They allow me to have a great on-the-go meal šŸ™‚ Convenience is key when you have little ones, am I right?!

While I am definitely not the poster child for Isagenix (you can research how a shake and cleanse day is supposed to go!), I do try and incorporate 2 shakes into my day. Honestly, they just make me feel great on the inside and help my physique on the outside.

At first, I was apprehensive about having something that is processed (like all protein powders!), but these little nutrient packed shakes make me FEEL great and I am all about listening to my body.

With the quarantine and COVID-19, I canceled my barre membership (sadly!) and these days I need my nutrition system even more (luckily, abs are made in the kitchen!). It is amazing to have something to fall back on when the world gets turned upside down. Isagenix allows me to stay on track and live my most energetic, healthy life.

Now for the “before and after and consistency” photos…

If you want to try Isagenix, please reach out to me. I am beyond excited to help anyone that wants to give these amazing products a try šŸ™‚

Stay safe and healthy, friends šŸ™‚

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